Pearls of the Word

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And God grants...

by Jean-Louis Coraboeuf

"His mother named him Jaebets because she had given birth to him in pain [otseb]. Jaebets called upon the God of Israel; saying 'keep me from all threats that may cause me grief [atsab]'. God granted this request" (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).

Just like Jaebets we can carry in our name the griefs of our past. But, if like him, we believe in God, he will respond favourably to us because Jesus has already carried away our grief on the cross.

If we want to hand over the griefs of our past to God, he will remove all threat that these could arouse in us. And because he dared to call upon God, Jaebets was more honoured [kabod, weight of glory] than his brothers; his past no longer weighed down on him and he was able to extend his territory with divine blessing.