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A kippah (Hebrew word meaning dome, plural kippot, in Yiddish yarmulke) is a thin, usually slightly-rounded cloth skullcap worn by observant Jews.

The kippah was traditionally worn only by men (women covered their heads more completely with scarves, hats or wigs). Today, some non-Orthodox women wear a kippah as well. Some Jews wear kippot only while praying, making blessings, or studying Jewish religious texts; more traditional Jews wear kippot the entire day, making sure not to walk more than four cubits (about two meters) without a head covering, especially outside.

Most head coverings are acceptable according to Jewish law (Halakhah) because there is no Jewish law regarding head coverings. The custom of wearing a kippah has no Scriptural basis and is not required even in the Talmud; it did not acquire mandatory status (from an Orthodox Jewish viewpoint) until the Shulchan Arukh in the 16th century, though it had become customary some centuries earlier.

It has become identified as a symbol of Judaism in the last century.