Hallel (Hebrew word "Praise [God]") is part of Judaism's prayers, a verbatim recitation from Psalms 113-118, which is used for praise and thanksgiving that is recited by observant Jews on Jewish holidays. Hallel consists of six Psalms (113-118), which are said as a unit, on joyous occasions. It is usually chanted aloud as part of the morning prayer service following the "The Eighteen" (the main prayer). It is also recited during the evening prayers the first night of Passover. These occasions include the following: The three "major" Jewish holidays: Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot (the "major" Jewish holy days, mentioned in the Torah) and Hanukkah and Rosh Chodesh (beginnings of the new month). Many Jewish communities, especially those that identify with religious Zionism, recite Hallel on the Israeli independence day. On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Hallel is not said at all, because as the Talmud states: "Is it seemly for the King to be sitting on His Throne of Judgement, with the Books of Life and Death open before Him, and for the people to sing joyful praises to Him?" (Arachin 10b). Pesach, like Sukkot, has the structure of "main holiday". Since Passover involved only a partial redemption of the Jews and the destruction of Egypt, only "Half" (or Partial) Hallel is recited on all of the last six days of Pesach. Full Hallel is recited for the entirety of Sukkot. Partial Hallel is recited on Rosh Chodesh, because it was introduced at a much later time than the major holidays and because we have Rosh Chodesh every month and the other holidays are only once a year. |