
(English Index)

(Original Index)




Aggadah (Aramaic word: “tales”, meaning “lore”; plural: Aggadot) refers to the homiletic and non-legalistic exegetical texts in classical rabbinic literature. In general, the aggadot are presented as folklore, historical anecdotes, moral exhortations, and business and medical advice, and often refer to mythical creatures, and incredible historical events.

The Aggadah is part of Judaism's Oral law — the traditions providing the authoritative interpretation of the Written Law. In this context, the widely held view in rabbinic literature, is that the aggadah is in fact a medium for the transmission of fundamental teachings (Homiletic Sayings) or for explanations of verses in the Tanakh (Exegetic Sayings).

In Rabbinic thought, therefore, much of the Aggadah is understood as containing a hidden, allegorical dimension, in addition to its overt, literal sense. In general, where a literal interpretation contradicts rationality, the Rabbis seek an allegorical explanation: “We are told to use our common sense to decide whether an aggadah is to be taken literally or not” (Carmell, 2005).